Delivery Restrictions on adult goods
The following countries have stricter import policies for adult products and you need to check it when you purchase an item. This is because these items may not meet the import standards or regulations of that country, which may result in returns or other problems. Therefore, please check the website's disclaimer notice before you purchase to ensure you understand the condition of the merchandise and to avoid unnecessary risks.
Countries: India, Turkey, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates, Iraq, South Korea, Japan, Pakistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Kuwait, Algeria, Jordan, Uzbekistan, Thailand, Oman, Qatar, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Azerbaijan, Nigeria, Tunisia, Palestine, Albania, Libya, Bahrain, Kyrgyzstan, Iran, Tajikistan, Senegal, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Sudan, Brunei, Guinea, Somalia, Syria, Afghanistan, Niger
Tax And Duties
All logistics fees are inclusive of taxes, and customers do not need to pay any additional import duties. However, customers are obliged to cooperate with customs inspections if their packages are selected for inspection. If customers need to return the products, they will be responsible for any taxes incurred.
Please note that import taxes may still apply in certain regions: